49 flights from worldwide carrying flood relief goods arrive in Pakistan

Government of Pakistan49 flights from worldwide carrying flood relief goods arrive in Pakistan

As Pakistan is battling with the massive devastation caused by torrential rains and flash floods, the humanitarian assistance from various Countries and Organizations continue to arrive in the Country for flood victims.

Since August 1, 2022, a total of 49 flights carrying relief goods including food, tents and medical supplies for the flood affectees have landed in Pakistan till now.

The 19 humanitarian flights have arrived in Pakistan from United Arab Emirates (UAE), 11 from Turkiye, 4 from China, 1 from Uzbekistan, 3 from Qatar, 1 from France, 1 from Turkmenistan, 2 from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 5 from UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and 2 from World Food Programme (WFP).

The flights arrived on following dates;

UAE flights

28 August – 1 flight

29 August – 2 flights

30 August- 2 flights

31 August – 2 flights

1 September – 2 flights

2 September – 2 flights

3 September – 2 flights

4 September – 2 flights

5 September – 1 flight

6 September – 2 flights

7 September – 1 flight

Total flights: 19

Turkiye flight

28 August – 2 flights

29 August – 2 flights

30 August – 3 flights

31 August – 2 flights

1 September – 1 flight

3 Sepember – 1 flight

Total flights: 11

China flights

30 August – 2 flights

31 August – 2 flights

Total flights 4

Uzbekistan flights

1 September – 1 flight

Total flights: 1

Qatar flights

2 September – 2 flights

4 September – 1 flight

Total flights: 3

France flights

3 Sepember – 1 flight

Total flights: 1

UNICEF flights

4 September – 1 flight

6 September – 1 flight

Total flights: 2

UNHCR flight

5 September – 3 flights

6 September – 2 flights

Total flights: 5

Turkmenistan flights

5 September – 1 flight

Total flights: 1

WFP flights

7 September – 2 flights

Total flights: 2

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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