Home 55th Defence and Martyrs Day Ceremony in Kyiv Ambassador Zahid Mubashir Sheikh

Ambassador Zahid Mubashir Sheikh

Defence Day - The Embassy of Pakistan in Kyiv commemorated 6th September 2020 as Defence Day as well as Kashmir Solidarity Day. The ceremony began with recitation of the Holy Qur'an. After the national anthem, the messages of President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan were read out on this occasion. During his remarks, Ambassador Zahid Mubashir Sheikh highlighted the sacrifices rendered by the valiant forces of Pakistan during the last more than seven decades. Ambassador Zahid Mubashir Sheikh said that Pakistani security forces have been serving the nation on all possible fronts and have offered numerous sacrifices for safeguarding their beloved Country since independence. Be it protecting the national frontiers during the wars of 1948, 1965, 1971, Kargil conflict or in peace time or providing relief during any natural calamity like the devastating earthquake of 2005, destructive floods of 2011 or the ongoing heavy rains in the country which have wreak havoc especially in Karachi, Pakistani forces have always been in the forefront to serve their people and Country. Zahid Mubashir Sheikh added that our security forces have also been providing security to all projects related China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) across the country. The ambassador further said that Pakistani forces are ever ready to protect their motherland and respond to any kind of misadventures from the enemy. The readiness and resolve of our armed forces was witnessed by the world when our forces effectively responded to the Indian misadventure on 27th February 2020 by downing their jet and capturing their pilot. However, Pakistan is a peace loving country and showed its intent towards promoting peace in the region by releasing the captured Indian pilot unconditionally. The ambassador also highlighted contributions of the Pakistani armed forces in United Nations’ peace keeping Missions. He said that Pakistan has been one of the biggest and most consistent troop contributors to the UN Peacekeeping missions for the last six decades. Since 1960, more than 1,69,000 Pakistani personnel have served with distinction and professionalism in 23 Countries and 41 UN Missions. Pakistan has the singular honor of being appointed on various key positions of UN Peacekeeping operations including Special Envoy/Advisor to the UN Secretary General, Special Representative of UN Secretary General, Military Advisor at DPKO, Chief Military Observer and Force and Deputy Force Commander. The ambassador further said that this year’s Defence Day is being celebrated in solidarity with our Kashmiri brethren of Indian Occupied Kashmir who are being subjected to the worst kind of oppression and state terrorism. Since the revocation article 370 on 5th August, 2019, the Kashmiri people have been put under one of the worst and inhuman lockdown the world has ever witnessed. They have been deprived of all their basic human rights. These Indian actions have drawn widespread condemnation of the international community. The ambassador expressed that due to Pakistan’s active diplomacy and support of international community, the issue of IIOJK has been raised thrice in the UN Security Council during the last one year, which has once again supported Pakistan’s claim that Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is an internationally recognized disputed territory, on the agenda of the UN, to be resolved as per the wishes of Kashmiris and UNSC resolutions. It was further added the government of Pakistan condemns the illegal, unilateral, reckless and coercive attempt by India to alter the disputed status of IIOJK as enshrined in the UNSC Resolutions. Pakistan will continue to provide moral, diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiri people till the fate of IIOJK is decided according to the UNSC resolutions and wishes of its people. Special documentaries regarding Pakistan Defence Day and Kashmir issue were also screened on this occasion.

55th Defence and Martyrs Day Ceremony in Kyiv

55th Defence and Martyrs Day Ceremony in Kyiv –