57% Pakistanis think knowledge, experience key for starting new business: Gallup Pakistan

National57% Pakistanis think knowledge, experience key for starting new business: Gallup Pakistan

By Hamid Khan Wazir

ISLAMABAD: A total of 57% Pakistanis (1% less than the global average) agreed to having the knowledge, skill and experience required to start a new business, according to a GEM Survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan.

Pakistan ranks 25 out of 50 countries on this indicator.

In the GEM Survey, a nationally representative sample of men and women from Pakistan was asked, “Do you have the knowledge, skill and experience required to start a new business?”

In response, 57% agreed. This is an increase from 47% in 2012.

Yearly Trend: Upward trend witnessed in the percentage of Pakistanis who claim to have the skills, knowledge, and experience to start a new business.

In 2010, 54% Pakistanis claimed to possess the know-how to start a new business. This number fell to 42% in 2011 then rose to 47% in 2012 and eventually 57% in 2019.

Question: “Do you have the knowledge, skill and experience required to start a new business?”

Gender and urban-rural breakdown: Compared to 5 in 10 women, 64% men claim to have the skills, knowledge and experience required to start a business.

While 56% rural respondents agreed to having these skills, the number was slightly higher for urban respondents (58%).

Global Comparison: Pakistan ranks 25 out of 50 countries on the indicator of having the skills, knowledge, and experience to start a new business. Pakistan stands 1% below the global average of this indicator which is nearly 58%.

However, respondents from Pakistan (57%) are more likely to claim to possess the skills and knowledge to start a new business as compared to those in Italy (48%) but less likely compared to those in India (85%).

This study was funded by World Bank Group and conducted by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International.

The GEM Global report can be accessed here.

As many as 50 economies participated in the GEM 2019 Adult Population Survey (APS) including 11 from the Middle East & Africa, eight from Asia & Pacific, eight from Latin America & Caribbean, and 23 from Europe & North America.

Five of these economies are classified as low-income level, 12 as middle-income, and the rest as high-income.

Over 150,000 individuals participated in extended interviews as part of the GEM research in 2019.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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