603 days of Kashmir siege: Mushaal urges world community to fulfill commitment on Kashmir

Kashmir603 days of Kashmir siege: Mushaal urges world community to fulfill commitment...

By Hamid Khan Wazir

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Mushaal Hussein Mullick has said that the brutal Indian forces have turned the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) into the world’s largest open prison for the last 603 days; where people of the scenic valley have been deprived of their fundamental and basic rights.

In a statement on Tuesday, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik as well as the Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, said that the fascist Narendra Modi’s government is committing war crimes in the IIOJK but the world observes complete silence and utter no word due to their business interests.

Mushaal lamented that the world powers and human rights organizations preferred financial interest over human lives that is why the Kashmir dispute remained unresolved for the last seven decades.

Mushaal Mullick said that Indian brutal forces unleashed a war of terrorism since August 5, 2019 when occupied authorities abrogated Article 370 of India’s Constitution, which had granted Jammu and Kashmir partial autonomy as an Indian state.

“Nobody talks about Indian war crimes, concentration camps in IIOJK. Half widows and prisoners of conscience are a scar at the face of the prosperous world 603 days siege of IIOJK,” she added.

The Chairperson said that since then the Indian government deployed thousands of more troops to the already heavily militarized region to quell potential dissent and cut off internet access, besides putting politicians under house arrest and shutting down schools.

Mushaal further added that the valley has been converted into a torture cell where youth and senior leadership are being brutally tortured to silence their voices.

However, she vowed that despite all these inhuman acts and barbarism, the Kashmiri people would continue their just struggle until breaking the shackles of Indian slavery.

The Kashmiri leader demanded the world community to raise voice against the unabated cruelties and continued war crimes in the occupied Kashmiri and should force the fascist Indian government to stop these brutalities once and for all and resolve the long-pending Kashmir dispute as per the world’s commitment with the people of the area, which is under the siege of Indian forces.

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