Pakistan rejects Afghan concerns over alleged attacks

AfghanistanPakistan rejects Afghan concerns over alleged attacks

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday rejected Afghan concerns about renovation of a Pakistani post on the border and alleged rocket and artillery attacks in some areas of Kunar province.

Reacting to a recent statement by Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister‚ Foreign Office spokesman said that Pakistan has an old post called Gursal well inside its territory bordering Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan.

He said despite being a renovation work Pakistan as a gesture of goodwill shared this information with the Afghan side. The same was also shared with the Afghan visiting delegation to Mohmand Agency on 24th of January this year.

The renovation of the post is primarily meant to interdict terrorists and criminals as well as better management of the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin’s recent concerns about construction and physical reinforcement along the Afghan border are therefore not in keeping with the spirit of the understanding on good border management and the recently signed Tripartite Border SOP.

The spokesman said better management of the border through strengthening border posts located in each other’s territory are in the interest of the two countries to have an effective check over terrorists and criminals. Pakistan suggests to the Afghan Government to take similar measures on their side of the border posts.

The spokesman said Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister’s concern about rocket and artillery attacks against different areas of Kunar Province has also not been found correct as no rocket or artillery shells have been fired by Pakistan Army in the recent days.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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