Record 50% females attend 37th Specialized Diplomatic Course in Islamabad

Foreign OfficeRecord 50% females attend 37th Specialized Diplomatic Course in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Foreign Service Academy on Wednesday held the Inaugural Session of 37th Specialized Diplomatic Course in Islamabad in which a group of 26 Foreign Service Probationers from 44th Common Training Programme were participating.

The Current Batch has 50 percent female representation which is the highest in the history of the Foreign Service of Pakistan, said a press release issued by the Foreign Office.

The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatemi gave the inaugural talk at the Specialized Diplomatic Course which is a nine month long intensive graduate-level programme designed for new entrants into the Foreign Service.

Tariq Fatemi shared with the probationers the historical perspective of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and the challenges confronting the nation in the 21st Century.

Fatemi also underlined the remarkable promise that this century holds for Pakistan in terms of opportunities for economic growth and development while urging the trainees to work diligently to realize those promises.

The Special Assistant emphasized that as representatives of a modern, moderate, democratic Islamic state, it was incumbent upon them to promote a culture of moderation, tolerance and compassion. He also advised them to understand the nuances of various developments taking place in the region and beyond, and to appreciate their significance.

The Specialized Diplomatic Course is the signature training programme of the Foreign Service Academy, aimed at broadening the knowledge and intellectual base of trainees, promoting cross-cultural understanding and developing their analytical and public relations skills. The curriculum includes subjects such as Foreign Policy, International Law, International Politics, International Economics, Foreign Trade, Diplomacy and Human Resource Development.

Since its establishment in September 1981, the academy has been imparting diplomatic training to both Pakistani as well as diplomats from friendly Countries.

In addition to training of Pakistani diplomats, the academy has trained 1277 diplomats from 101 countries, many of whom are serving in senior positions in their respective Countries.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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