Riots erupted in France against Presidential election results

WorldRiots erupted in France against Presidential election results
Riots erupted in France against French Presidential election results
Riots erupted in France against French Presidential election results

Monitoring Desk: Riots erupted in different cities of France including Paris and Nantes against results of first round of Presidential election as Far-right National Front managed to qualify for run-off elections of May 7, 2017.

Riot police is ready to deal with riots in 13 cities across France on Monday because there are expectations for spreading protests.

Russian television RT reported that people in the city of Nantes in western France staged a protest against the results of the elections. “Neither Macron, nor Le Pen. Long live elections,” said the banners of the demonstrators.

While French media reported that the rallies in Nantes turned violent, with protesters clashing with police and burning cars.

Riot police had to use tear gas to disperse protesters in Paris.

According to social media reports, violent clashes between riot police and anti fascist groups continued in different parts of Paris because Far-left supporters are not ready to accept election results of first round in which Macron and Le Pen managed to contest run-off final elections on May 7, 2017.

Immigrants, mostly Muslims are afraid of their future after Le Pen qualified for run-off elections because his policies are categorically against immigration, market economy and globalization. Le Pen like US President Trump believes that globalization is playing havoc with economies.

United Kingdom voted against European Union and trend was followed by United States and now France is going for a closed- society narrative rejecting open market economy.

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