130,000 cases are pending in Lahore High Court, says Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah

Society130,000 cases are pending in Lahore High Court, says Mr. Justice Mansoor...

130,000 cases are pending in Lahore High Court, says Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah

Lahore, Pakistan: The Chief Justice of Lahore High Court (LHC) Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah has revealed that over 130,000 cases are pending just in LHC, giving a pulse how much case-pendency would be in lower courts of the province.

Addressing here to a ceremony at Judicial Academy, Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah said that backlog cases was (is) the main cause for delay in providing justice to people but he reiterated his quest that he would go to every extent for provision of justice to people. “Restructuring of system is inevitable for provision of justice. This academy (ref to Judicial Academy) will play important role for provision of basic rights as this academy plays a role of second mother for the training of Judges”, observed Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah.

“We have to make judicial system flawless for achieving higher level of confidence of masses over judicial system”, he added.

It may be mentioned that lack of resources is causing lack of judicial officials in judicial system of the province and there is dire need to recruit more civil, session and higher courts judges to deal with ever increasing case-pendency.

Almost all judges in civil, session and registries of High Court are dealing three times more cases (units) that they should have been officially because of lack of judicial officials.

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