7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process: Pakistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan sign joint declaration for investment promotion

News7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process: Pakistan, Turkey and...

By Zarina Jannat for Dispatch News Desk News Agency

Baku, Pakistan: The Foreign Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Asif who is attending 7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process in Baku signed a joint declaration in Baku.

The declaration, signed by Mevlut Cavusoglu, Elmar Mammadyarov and Khawaja Mohammed Asif, expresses satisfaction with the level of interstate relations based on strategic partnership, mutual respect and trust.

The document notes that Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan play an important role in the region.

“The three countries are determined to bring together positions in ensuring stability, security and peace in the region. Ankara, Baku and Islamabad declare mutual support for sovereignty and territorial integrity, “the Baku declaration says.

The declaration expresses concern over the conflicts in the region, condemns attacks against civilians, underscores the unacceptability of attempts to violate territorial integrity by force.

The document further notes: “A decision was made to develop trade relations and step up investment promotion. The readiness to strengthen cooperation in the fields of energy, transport, customs, agriculture, production, education, science, culture, tourism and sports was underscored. ”

7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process in Baku
7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process in Baku

The declaration points to the importance of implementing infrastructure projects for the economic development of countries, stresses the importance of developing transport systems.

Baku, Ankara and Islamabad also spoke in favor of strengthening cooperation in combating manifestations of terrorism, separatism, international organized crime, arms trade, and narcotic drugs.

7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process in Baku
7th Ministerial Conference of Heart of Asia –Istanbul Process in Baku

The next meeting of foreign ministers of the three countries is scheduled to be held in 2018 in Pakistan.

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