Chinese goods will reach European market through China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine route

BusinessChinese goods will reach European market through China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine route

Monitoring Desk: China is using all possible routes to reach European market and has signed a contract with Ukraine to enhance cargo traffic to Europe through China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine-Western Europe route.

According to press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, both have agreed to enhance Silk Road infrastructure project, designed to strengthen economic ties between Europe and Asia, intensify investment, trade, customs, energy cooperation, as well as interaction in the space industry.

The decision was announced following the meeting of the Commission for Cooperation between the Governments of Ukraine and China, within which a road map was signed for the joint construction of the Economic Belt of the Great Silk Road.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine noted that the implementation of the road map will increase the share of high-tech products in bilateral trade, will allow for mutually beneficial cooperation between businesses and financial institutions of both countries, and intensify investment cooperation in aviation, transport, energy, engineering, food and chemical industries.

Chinese goods will reach European market through China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine route

In addition, the implementation of the action plan within the Silk Road will allow intensifying container transport between China and Europe through Ukraine, including the China-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine-Western Europe route, which is an alternative to blocked supplies of Ukrainian products to Central Asia through Russia.

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