Meeting of Council of Heads of SCO starts in Dushanbe

Central Asia and Eastern EuropeMeeting of Council of Heads of SCO starts in Dushanbe

Dushanbe, Tajikistan: The two-day meeting of Council of Heads of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Joint Council starts here in Dushanbe.

The plenary session of the meeting was also attended by representatives of the observer states (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia), international organizations including UNESCAP, CIS, CICA and EEC, as well as the heads of the interbank association and the SCO Business Council

The agenda of the meeting includes the development of trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The heads of delegations of India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also discussed the implementation of the program of multilateral trade and economic cooperation, the work of the business council and the interbank association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In addition, the activities of the organizations will be discussed, in particular, the approval of the budget for 2019.

It is noted that the development of coordinated approaches of the SCO member states to the formation of a fair and equitable architecture of reliable security and sustainable development was also discussed.

It is reported that the focus was on measures to deepen cooperation in the field of trade and investment, infrastructure, transport, energy, agriculture. Basics for working together in these phases.

Programs of Cooeration

It is also planned to sign an interdepartmental program of cooperation of the SCO on food security, which ensures the interaction of relevant departments in such areas as the development of the regulatory framework of cooperation of the SCO member states, improvement of national legislation, interaction with technologies, expansion of information and analytical activities and scientific and methodological work in the field of food security, informational support of cooperation, from interaction of training and skills development.

The discussion will highlight the role of the SCO in promoting integration processes in the region, aligning national and multilateral development strategies. One of the promising vectors is the pairing of the construction of the Eurasian Economic Association and the Chinese project “One Belt, One Road” with an eye to forming a broad collective approach.

Agenda of SCO Meeting

The agenda of the meeting also includes the discussion of establishing ties between the regions of the SCO member states. “At the initiative of Russia,” – told the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation.

“The joint communiqué will set out the agreed approaches of the parties on a wide range of international and regional economic development issues, prospects and measures.

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