Modi asks first-time voters to dedicate their votes for Indian Air Force

IndiaModi asks first-time voters to dedicate their votes for Indian Air Force

DND Monitoring Team

Monitoring Desk: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has apparently designed his election campaign on warmongering against Pakistan has asked first-time voters to dedicate their first vote to those who carried out the air strike in Balakot area of Pakistan which destroyed three pine trees and killed one crow.

While addressing his elections rally at Latur district of Maharashtra, Modi said:

“I want to tell the first-time voters: can your first vote be dedicated to the veer jawans (valiant soldiers) who carried out the air strike in Pakistan.

Indian Prime Minister Modi was referring Indian Air Force (IAF) violation of Pakistani Air Space on February 26, 2019 in which IAF jets dropped their load over a forest in Balakot in Khabar Pakhtunkhawa resulting damaged to three pine trees and killed one crow.

It is interesting to remember that the second day of first midnight airspace violation, IAF again violated Pakistani airspace on February 27, 2019 morning and lost its two fighter jets and Pakistan also captured one IAF Pilot.

Click here to watch video statement of captured Indian Air Force Pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman about what happened on February 27?

IAF lost one Su30 and one Mig21 in dogfight with Pakistan Air Force on this unforgettable day for Indian Air Force.

According to Russian media, Indian Air Force (IAF) earned a bad name for Russian Military Aviation Industry after IAF lost two Mig21s and one Sukhoi Su-30.

Indian Prime Minister Modi in his speech said that the first-time voters should remember that their first vote is something which they will remember for the rest of their lives. “You will always remember to whom did you vote and in which election,” Modi said.

Expressing his hatred against the formation of Pakistan as an independent state in 1947, he blamed Congress for the creation of Pakistan stating that had its leaders (Congress) acted wisely, Pakistan would not have been created.

 “Pakistan would not have been born in 1947 had Congress leaders acted wisely in the pre-Independence era, Modi said. The Congress party’s manifesto speaks the same language as that of Pakistan,”, said Modi.

He said the Congress wants to take back the special powers given to armed forces. “Pakistan too wants the same thing so that terrorists have a free run. The Congress has said it wants to do away with the sedition laws. Pakistan too wants this. It wants free hand for those who want to work against India,” he added.

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