Early Presidential election in Kazakhstan will be held on June 9

Central Asia and Eastern EuropeEarly Presidential election in Kazakhstan will be held on June 9

DND Monitoring Team

Monitoring Desk: The extraordinary presidential elections in Kazakhstan will be held on June 9, said the current head of the republic, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev.

“According to the Constitution, I made a decision to hold an extraordinary presidential election in the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 9,” said K. Tokayev in a televised speech on Tuesday.

“I consulted on this issue with Elbasy (leader of the nation) Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, with the speakers of both houses of parliament, the prime minister of the country, coordinated his decision with the Constitutional Council, met with the leaders of parliamentary parties. The decision on early installments is important and necessary, ”said K. Tokayev.

The last presidential elections in Kazakhstan were held in April 2015. The head of state is elected for a term of five years.

According to the Constitution of Kazakhstan, special elections of the head of the country are appointed by the decision of the president and are held, according to the law, within two months from the date of their appointment.

It is noted that, in accordance with the Constitution of Kazakhstan, Tokayev should have served as head of state until the expiration of the term of office of the elected president in April 2020.

“As the acting head of state, I guarantee that the elections will be held honestly, openly, fairly. This is my principled position, ”said K.Tokayev.


March 19, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan announced his resignation from Presidential office. Nazarbayev (78 years old) has headed Kazakhstan continuously since 1990, before that he headed the parliament.

The new president of the country has become the speaker of the upper house of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev.

On March 20, the Parliament of Kazakhstan adopted amendments to the constitution to rename the capital of Astana to Nursultan, in honor of President Nazarbayev, who resigned.

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