Ukrainians will vote today for Early Parliamentary Elections

WorldUkrainians will vote today for Early Parliamentary Elections

Monitoring Desk: Ukrainians will vote today for Early Parliamentary Elections. The polling will open from 8 am morning to 8 pm evening.

Ukraine is holding early elections to the Verkhovna Rada (parliament), which will be followed by the ninth convocation of the Verkhovna Rada (Assmebly). It is formed according to a mixed system: 225 deputies are elected by party lists and 225 by single-mandate constituencies.

Poll surveys indicate that five to seven parties can overcome the 5 percent votes threshold.

According to latest survey, the party of President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky— Servant of the People is leading

(35.4% among all respondents and 44.4% among those who intend to take part in the elections and have already decided who to vote for).

Other parties which can reach Rada include European Solidarity (Petro Poroshenko Bloc), Opposition Bloc and Self Reliance.

Originally scheduled to be held at the end of October 2019, now being held on July 21 because new President Volodymyr Zelensky dissolved parliament on 21 May 2019.

After President Zelensky issued the decree (calling early elections), a lawsuit was filed to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which sought to declare the decree unconstitutional and therefore illegal but the declared the decree to be legal and allowed the government to follow for new parliamentary elections.

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