Azerbaijan says Jammu and Kashmir issue must be settled in accordance with UNSC resolutions

Diplomatic CircleAzerbaijan says Jammu and Kashmir issue must be settled in accordance with...

Baku, Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan has supported Pakistan by stating that peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir issue must be in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The position of Azerbaijan on Jammu and Kashmir issue is consistent, Leyla Abdullayeva, spokesperson for Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs told reporters reports,

It is worth noting that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will hold a Session in New York tomorrow (Friday) to discuss Jammu and Kashmir dispute under agenda item Pakistan-India question.

The request to convene the meeting of the UNSC on Kashmir was made by the Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Meanwhile, the Indian Independence Day was observed as Black Day across Pakistan and on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) in protest against the Indian unilateral action to change the disputed status of Occupied Kashmir. The black flags hoisted on roof tops and vehicles across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir to symbolize rejection for Indian nefarious designs.

It may be mentioned that Pakistan’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Azerbaijan Said Khan Mohmand said in Baku that India’s move to suspend Jammu and Kashmir’s Special Status is contrary to UN resolutions and aims to alter Kashmir’s demography.

While speaking at the flag hoisting ceremony held on Wednesday at Pakistan’s Embassy in Baku in connection with Pakistan’s 73rd Independence Day and Kashmir Solidarity Day, the ambassador said that “Today is the day of Pakistan’s independence. Today we also celebrate our peace with the Kashmiri people. Despite Kashmir’s decision to self-determination and UN resolutions after independence on August 14, 1947, India did not allow it.”

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