Pakistan and Ukraine have historic defence cooperation: Ambassador Major General (retd) Zahid Mubashir Sheikh

Diplomatic CirclePakistan and Ukraine have historic defence cooperation: Ambassador Major General (retd) Zahid...

KYIV, Ukraine: In order to mark the Defence and Martyrs Day, Pakistan’s Embassy in Kyiv held an event on Friday, highlighting martyrs’ matchless sacrifices for Country’s defence and also contribution of Pak-Ukraine defence cooperation in making Pakistan’s defence invincible, reports DND News Agency.

The event was attended by a large number of members of Pakistani Community.

In his remarks at the event, Pakistan’s Ambassador in Ukraine Major General (retd) Zahid Mubashir Sheikh paid glowing tribute to martyrs and ghazis. He said that it was their sacrifices which helped the Country foil enemy’s nefarious designs and also purging the Country out of terrorism.


The ambassador also expressed gratitude to Ukraine for its contribution for Pakistan’s defence. He said that Pakistan has been a major importer of Ukrainian military arsenal especially tanks. He recalled that both Pakistan and Ukraine also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2017 for the joint production of tanks in Pakistan.

As the Defence and Martyrs Day was also observed as Kashmir Solidarity Day, Ambassador Major General (retd) Zahid Mubashir Sheikh reaffirmed Pakistan’s all out support for the oppressed people of Kashmir.

The Defence Attaché of Pakistan in Ukraine Brigadier Naveed Cheema also addressed the audience, and highlighted the role of Pakistan’s armed forces to ensure peaceful and stable Pakistan.

Press Release of Embassy of Pakistan in Kyiv




Kyiv, September 06, 2019

Today, the Mission commemorated 6th September 2019 as Defence Day as well as Kashmir Solidarity Day.

The ceremony began with recitation of the Holy Qur’an. After the national anthem, the messages of President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan were read out on this occasion.

His Excellency, the Ambassador, during his remarks, paid rich tribute to the security forces of Pakistan who offered the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard the territorial integrity and sovereignty of their homeland. He said that Pakistani forces are able to defend their borders and respond to any kind of misadventure by any foreign aggressor. While addressing the Pakistani community, he said that Pakistani security forces are the guardians of the national geographical borders whereas you are the guardians of the ideological frontiers of your beloved homeland.

The Ambassador further added that this year’s Defence Day is being celebrated in solidarity with our Kashmiri brethren of Indian Occupied Kashmir who are being subjected to the worst kind of oppression and state terrorism. India has stripped Kashmir of its special autonomous status by overturning the article 370. Prior to scrapping of article 370 on August 04, India deployed additional troops to Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), imposed curfew and put the valley under complete communications blackout. The IOK, which has become like a giant prison camp, is in a state of complete lockdown for the last one month.

The Ambassador expressed that due to the proactive diplomacy of Pakistan and support of international community, the issue of IOK was raised at UN Security Council (UNSC) on August 16, 2019, which reaffirmed Pakistan’s stance that Kashmir is not an internal matter of India; rather it is an outstanding dispute between India and Pakistan that must be resolved according to UNSC resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people. It was further added that Pakistan will stick to its principled stance over Kashmir and will continue to provide political, moral and diplomatic support to its Kashmiri brethren in their struggle for self determination.

After the ceremony, a reception for Pakistani community members was held. During the reception, the Ambassador stressed upon all the community leaders to make concerted efforts to further highlight the sufferings of Kashmiri people and use of brutal force by the Indian Security Forces in IOK. The Ambassador also impressed upon the prominent Pakistani community members to continue to play its role as a bridge between Pakistan and Ukraine.

A number of documentaries highlighting sacrifices of the Pakistan’s armed forces in the fight against terrorism, Modi’s oppressive policies, RSS extremist ideology and Indian human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir were also played. The ceremony was attended by Pakistanis from all walks of life living in Ukraine including students, businessmen, representatives of local media and the Embassy staff.

The ceremony concluded with prayers for the well-being and prosperity of Pakistan, its people and community members living in Ukraine.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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