Kashmir Khalistan Referendum Front moves to Houston Court to stop Howdy Modi event

IndiaKashmir Khalistan Referendum Front moves to Houston Court to stop Howdy Modi...

MONITORING DESK: The Kashmir Khalistan Referendum Front (KKRF) has moved to the United States District Court of Southern District of Texas Houston Division to stop the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address ‘Howdy Modi’ event, wherein he and the US President Donald Trump will address a gathering of Indians.

In its plea, the KKRF demanded the Houston Court to penalize the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for human rights abuses in Jammu & Kashmir and barring him to address in NRG Stadium in Houston on Sunday.

The petition numbered 19CV 3532 filed by two individuals Ms TFK and Mr SMS (Full names withheld by petitioners) has been accepted for hearing.Howdy, Modi evernt

The petition states that Narendra Modi, his Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah and Commander of the Indian Army Lt. General Kanwal Jeet Singh Dhillon are involved in carrying out extrajudicial killings, committing wrongful death, battery, emotional distress, crimes against humanity, and inflicting “cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment” upon Kashmiris during the military exercise.

Download and read petition to click following link:

Modi Kashmir Torture Complaint Short

It may be mentioned that ‘Howdy Modi’ is an event which would take place on Sunday wherein the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the people at NRG Stadium in Houston along with the US President Donald Trump.

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