Ukrinform will host General Assembly of European Alliance of News Agencies in September 2020

MediaUkrinform will host General Assembly of European Alliance of News Agencies in...

Monitoring Desk: The State run News Agency of Ukraine- Ukrinform will host General Assembly and Conference of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) in September 2020.

The three-day event would take place in capital city of Ukraine; Kyiv between September 16-18, 2020.

According to a report published by Ukrinform, the decision for holding EANA General Assembly in Ukraine was taken during EANA meeting which took place in Prague on Friday.

It is pertinent to mention that EANA was founded on August 21, 1956 in connection with a conference on new media technology held in Strasbourg.

EANA´s founding fathers were West European news agencies, Anadolu Agency (Turkey) and Tanjug (Yugoslavia). In 1970, agencies behind the so called “iron curtain” were invited to join. EANA´s predecessor Agences Alliées was founded in 1924 and was active until the World War II when the activities were discontinued.

EANA serves as a forum for cooperation and exchange of information and experiences among European news agencies. EANA´s operations are financed by membership fees. Ukrinform has been a member of the EANA since 1995.

During meeting in Prague, Director General of Ukrinform Oleksandr Kharchenko was of the view that during the past five years, Ukraine paid lives for its European choice (Reference to Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine and illegal occupation of Crimea).

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