How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus In Pakistan

HealthHow To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus In Pakistan

China has given a scare to the world. With the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus in the country, it has restricted international travels and has put the affected in a serious quarantine. However, those Chinese who have already traveled to other countries have put their citizens on the stake with this deadly virus too. Around 56 cases were reported in Pakistan as well.

While the detection and treatment of Coronavirus are still unknown in Pakistan, its effects are not. Therefore, it is better to be safe than sorry. Let’s discuss a few ways through which you can protect yourself from catching this virus and spreading it:

Keep Clean

Wash your hands as much as you can, especially when you come back home from the outside. Either wash them with anti-germ soap or use alcohol-based hand rub to get rid of all the bacteria and germ your hands’ house.

Cover Your Mouth

It is mandatory that you cover your nose and mouth at all times, especially when in the openly crowded areas and live markets. When sneezing or coughing, use a tissue and dispose of it as soon as you are done. Instantly wash your hands after that.

Watch Out For Signs

The commonly known signs of Coronavirus include difficulty in breath, bad cough, and serious fever. If that happens, immediately seek out an expert doctor. You are more prone to this disease if you have recently traveled. Hence, even be more mindful of your condition. If you know anyone who has these symptoms, stay away from them as well.

Stay Away From Animals

The virus is primarily being spread through animals, so do not come in contact with them and do not go to markets in areas with livestock. Till the virus is resolved, avoid eating eggs, meat and consuming open milk. Raw meat should also be handled with extreme care.

These were just a few but important precautionary measures. Make sure you stay on alert and prohibit going and eating out a lot till the state medical professionals do not issue any substantial statement.


Tags: Coronavirus In Pakistan, Coronavirus, 

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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