India spoils Afghan Peace Deal through Daesh, indicate regional experts

NewsIndia spoils Afghan Peace Deal through Daesh, indicate regional experts

Islamabad, Pakistan: “India spoils Afghan Peace Deal through Daesh and President Ghani”.

This was indicated by regional experts in a Talk Show “Pakistan Today with Mansoor Azam Qazi” at Capital Television.

Experts maintained that Daesh linkages with India is already established in past after several dead bodies of Indians were recovered from Islamic State (Daesh) cave complex in Afghanistan when it was bombed by United States which dropped the “mother of all bombs” in April 2017.

In March 2017, Pajhwok news agency of Afghanistan reported that two terrorists belonging to Daesh also knows as Islamic State (IS) from Kerala India were killed in Zabul province of Afghanistan,

In February 2017, The Hindu Newspaper of India reported that a 17 year-old Hafeezuddin (Hafesudheen Theke Kole) from Kasaragod district in Kerala was reportedly killed in a US drone strike in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. It was also reported that over 47 boys from Padanna near Cheruvathu (Kerala) had been killed in Afghanistan during last one year (2016-2017 February).

Former Minister of Defence Lt. Gen (Retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi, senior analyst and regional expert Dr Faroo Hasnat and senior journalist and conflict analyst Agha Iqrar Haroon were of the view that there are (were) several spoilers gathered in Afghanistan who can (could) frustrate Peace Deal of Taliban and United States recently signed in Doha Qatar.

Participants of show indicated that United States is used to destroy regions and then leave the area without mending things and Iraq, Libya, Vietnam and Afghanistan are prime examples of such destructions initiated by United States.

Former Minister of Defence Lt. Gen (Retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi was optimist that this time Peace Deal would work because peace-mongers are stronger than spoilers and Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia on same page to gain peace in war beaten Afghanistan.

Senior analyst and regional expert Dr Faroo Hasnat indicated that there is (was) no legitimate government today in Afghanistan because President Ghani had completed his tenure and results of election which took place in September 2019 are not accepted by any party and these elections are considered as rigged but President Ghani is still sitting as President illegally. He stated that US wanted to run away from Afghanistan after completely destroy it and President Ghani is not honouring commitment of US given to Taliban in Peace Deal to release 5000 Taliban prisoners.

Senior journalist Agha Iqrar Haroon who covered Afghan War during 1995-97 and then 2002-2004 stated that India is one of the key spoiler of peace in Afghanistan and it has already directed President Ghani to delay second phase of Peace Deal which is Intra-Afghan Dialogue while Indian intelligence agency RAW would use Daesh to destabilize Afghanistan.

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