How Stay Safe against Coronavirus – Home Remedies

UncategorizedHow Stay Safe against Coronavirus - Home Remedies

The experts are testing traditional medicines of anti-malaria and HIV to see if it can be the cure for Coronavirus. The researchers are also testing the vaccine but it is expected to take months.

Coronaviruses are viral infections that do not require antibiotic treatment; they only work in combating bacterial infections.

Antibiotics can be given to people with complications such as hospitalized pneumonia but do not need to be used at home.

The key is to relieve symptoms as much as possible while the body battles the Coronavirus.

NHS recommends relaxing and drinking more water can help to protect the body from the virus.

Victims can also take paracetamol to relieve infections like fever, but ibuprofen is not recommended.

Get more rest and drink more water

According to health experts, the majority of COVID-19 cases (about 80%) are mild and do not require medical attention.

Like colds and flu, a well relaxed and well-hydrated body will be able to fight against the infection.

Taking medications to reduce fever

A person’s normal body temperature ranges between 97.5 degrees to 98.9 degrees, while most health-care providers consider a fever to be 100.4 degrees or higher, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

A fever is a sign that your body is fighting an infection, which leads some to believe that taking fever-reducing medications might be a bad idea.

Previously, the New York Times reported that there is no evidence that fever medicines can worsen outcomes of disease prevention, but it is okay to take them for normal illness.

Try a humidifier or other at-home remedies

In addition to coughing and syrup drops, you can try homemade air humidifiers, drink hot drinks and soups, and wash your throat with salt water to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by coughing.

If you don’t have a humidifier, try sitting in the bathroom while the shower is hot.

When to Consult a Doctor

According to the CDC, people at high risk for severe illness or those with severe illness, even if they have mild symptoms, should seek medical attention if they are sick.

In addition, according to the CDC, if serious symptoms of COVID-19 occur (such as chest pain or persistent tightness, new confusion or inability to flutter, or lips or bluish tinge), immediately consult a doctor.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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