Turkish Poet Cries —- Kashmir is My Name—Massacre Again and Again

KashmirTurkish Poet Cries ---- Kashmir is My Name---Massacre Again and Again

Monitoring Desk: Turkish poet writes the song “Kashmir is my Name” that will make you cry for Kashmiri people who are facing genocide in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Turkish poet TURGAY EVREN says this is his humble tribute to innocent Kashmiris who are facing constant genocide conducted by Indian Occupied forces. Lyrics of Turgay Evren are sung by American singer DELLA MILES.

Della Miles could not control her tears while recording to this song and her voice truly expresses pain and agony of women of Kashmir.

The punchline of the song is “Kashmir is my name”.

Kashmir is my name”.

Massacre again and again

Which story I can tell?

Which pain I can sell?

Every day of mine is the same

For my shame is only shame

Kashmir, death is my fame

Torture endless torture

Which poem can I write?

Which tears Can I describe?

Suffering here is my sight

For dignity is my fight


Over 300 days have passed but Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir are still caged in the valley without access to the outside world facing complete communication blackout.


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