Property rights of an eunuch must be granted: Almas Bobby

SocialProperty rights of an eunuch must be granted: Almas Bobby

ISLAMABAD: “People now consider us human beings after the historic decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Before this development, behavior of people was obnoxious and they used to ask us who are you? You are neither a woman nor a man—You are not a human being”.

This was said by President of Shemale Foundation Pakistan Almas Bobby during  an exclusive interview with Dispatch News Desk (DND). Almas was of the view that the name of Chief Justice of Pakistan Ch. Iftikhar would be written with golden words in the history of sub-continent because this decision also “gave a new birth to Eunuchs of this region”.   “He gave us birth. He gave us a face. Our case and fight was not only for identification card rather for our identity as human beings and as a component of society”, she added.

When asked about major problems being faced by an eunuch in any Pakistani family, Almas was of the view that in 99% cases brothers did not give right to eunuchs in the property left by parents.  Almas was of the opinion that media did a great help for her fight and stated that the issue of property rights of an eunuchs should also be highlighted by media and this issue need a social pressure and society must also play its role in this regard.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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