Kashmir Civitas releases another song to raise Palestine and Kashmir issues internationally

KashmirKashmir Civitas releases another song to raise Palestine and Kashmir issues internationally

Islamabad, Pakistan: Another song by “Kashmir Civitas” has been released to raise Palestine and Kashmir issues internationally and this is a mixed song voicing in Arabic and Urdu for Palestine and Kashmir in one reel.

This soulful tribute to the people of Palestine and Kashmir on the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine is sung by Malek Noor Arabic) and Natasha Baig (Urdu).

The Project Manager is Turgay Evren who has been written several songs for Palestine and Kashmir also. He is a Turkish story writer, poet, songwriter, and composer and while talking with Dispatch News Desk (DND) News Agency on Sunday he said that Muslim World must not leave Palestine and Kashmir issues behind and this is the moral responsibility of every Muslim to play a role to raise and place Kashmir issue at every possible level.

Turgay Evren this year wrote a famous song Kashmir is My Name —Massacre Again and Again. His song is sung by American singer Della Miles and has been trending on social media since it was launched this week.

Turgay Evren got tremendous popularity as Muslim Voice after he released an English song on Jerusalem (Don’t Cry Jerusalem) two years ago.

He had penned work for raising Syrian refugees issues, African mothers and their starving kids, and Yemeni people struck by civil war and hunger.

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