Indian farmers announce Tractor Parade in Delhi on Republic Day

IndiaIndian farmers announce Tractor Parade in Delhi on Republic Day

NEW DELHI, India: The All India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha (AIKMS) has said that more than 1 lac tractors and 10 lac farmers & supporters shall enter Delhi for the Republic Day Parade on January 26 in protest against farm laws.

In a press release issued on Saturday by the AIKMS General Secretary Dr. Ashish Mital, it was stated that this is the decision of all Farmer Unions and preparations are in full swing.

It is the responsibility of the New Delhi government to make proper arrangements and avoid chaos, it said.

Denouncing the government’s proposal for suspension of farm laws, the Central Executive Committee of the AIKMS said that the Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar’s stance that they will not be repealed solves no problem of the farmers.

It said that the suspension for any period means agreeing to their implementation on a postponed date and this is not acceptable to any farmer or their unions.

The AIKMS said that the government’s offer is saddled with a Committee. With the sword of these suspended acts dangling around the necks of the farmers, all discussions in the Committee will involve only reforms in these acts which are neither possible nor meaningful and these have already been rejected.

Though the Indian government claims it has offered all it could in the 11th round of talks, the Committee is all what it had offered in the initial rounds.

The AIKMS said that the objectives of the farm laws command the government to promote private big traders, exporters, big retailers in agriculture trade and contract farming.

It said that the government has already allocated Rs 1 lac crore for this promotion and promoting this giant private sector, and multinational companies will certainly involve de-promoting the government’s subsidies on inputs, procurement, and MSP and will lead to increased indebtedness of farmers, increase in suicides and eviction from the land.

It further said that the laws promote Indian and foreign big corporate, whose interest the BJP government is advancing. Its plan is pro-imperialist and is against Indian farmers and the development of Indian markets.

The AIKMS said that these laws will reduce government’s procurement, end PDS and expose 75 crore poor people to depend for purchasing food on a market controlled by the corporate. Both starvation and hunger deaths will rise.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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