Pakistan needs to immediately revisit its Kashmir diplomacy, believes Ambassador Abdul Basit

KashmirPakistan needs to immediately revisit its Kashmir diplomacy, believes Ambassador Abdul Basit


Ambassador Abdul Basit is a retired Pakistani diplomat who served also as former high commissioner of Pakistan to India. He is the President of, Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS) which is an Islamabad-based Think Tank.

Islamabad, Pakistan: “Islamabad needs to immediately revisit its Kashmir diplomacy and inject some vigour and vim into it.”

This was said by Ambassador Abdul Basit who had served in India for long before his retirement. Ambassador Basit is the President, Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS) which is an Islamabad-based Think Tank.

Incoherent, episodic and half-baked initiatives are hardly the way forward. We must have a well thought out strategy covering all dimensions of the Kashmir struggle in place

While talking to Dispatch News Desk (DND) News Agency in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day today, Ambassador Basit said that incoherent, episodic, and half-baked initiatives of Pakistan are hardly the way forward in the Kashmir issue.

“Today we are expressing solidarity with Kashmiris. This day also warrants serious reflection on our part. In my view, time is of the essence. We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect better results.

Incoherent, episodic and half-baked initiatives are hardly the way forward. We must have a well thought out strategy covering all dimensions of the Kashmir struggle in place. Losing more time is akin to giving carte blanch to India to continue consolidating its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir,” said Ambassador Abdul Basit.

It may be mentioned that the Pakistani nation is observing the Kashmir Solidarity Day on Friday (February 5), reiterating its wholehearted support to the just struggle of Kashmiri people for their inalienable right to self-determination under the United Nations resolutions, the Dispatch News Desk (DND) news agency reported.

The Kashmir Solidarity Day has now sealed even more significance by the fact that India revoked the special status of Occupied Kashmir in August 2019 in breach of all international laws, and since then the entire population of the held territory has been under lockdown.

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