Never Love a Stranger

BlogsNever Love a Stranger

By Tusbeeha Kamran Cheema

Tusbiha Kamran Cheema
By Tusbeeha Kamran Cheema


One important thing is that you have to open your mind before you can close the love outside.

I was in college. It was my second year and I was studying Mathematics and Biology. I heard that there was a new girl who was joining our class. I just hoped that she wasn’t an e-girl, because honestly, they are weirdos. It was 8:00 morning, and our teacher said:

“So class welcomes our new girl Nanna”. Fortunately it wasn’t a nerd. If I should be honest she was quite pretty.

She introduced herself to class. She was British. I shocked my head and thought it’s only been a minute and I do not know her, so I should not make a judgment about her. The teacher said you can sit beside Tom. And I was shocked because it was me.

I said “Hi nice to meet you, I am Tom” Nice to meet you too, responded Nanna and said:

“We should hang out after school”

I was quite nervous because I had a little feeling about her, and thought to take the chance.

“Yes why not, lets meet 1500 hours”, I responded.

And that was our appointment. When we were free, she gave me a little wave with a smile. I got blushed. Anyway, when I got home I said to my mom “Hey mom, I’m going out to chill with a girl today. “Mom said “Uh ok, is it a crush or something?”

I don’t know how my mom knew everything. I said, “Chill out mom, it’s just a little crush, and I guess she (Nanna) likes me because she gave me a smile, anyway I’m going now.”

I was two minutes late, so I ran very fast and reached the meeting place.

Nanna: “Hi Tom, you look great, nice to meet you again”

Tom: Thanks. You look great too, you can decide what we should do.”   I just hoped It Wasn’t shopping.

Nanna: “Great, can we shop?, and will you please pay for me today, because I forgot my wallet.”

I couldn’t really say no to her, because I like her so I would pay for her.  “Yes of course I’m going to pay for you, let’s go”.

We were first going to Gucci, I thought chill out I’m not Donald Trump.

We were looking around and I was looking at her beauty, I was just falling for her every passing second. And suddenly she took my hand and said: “Come let’s continue”.

I got goosebumps. She said, “Can I please get this bag?” I said, “Of course, here you go”. When I got home, I had a different kind of feeling for her. I felt that I was falling for her. The next day, my first class was in mathematics. But before the teacher came, she said: “I have to tell you something, I love you”. I couldn’t really say anything, other than sweating. But I told the truth “I love you too, can we please meet at the same place again” And she said yes.  When we had a break in college, we just laughed and had fun. And after college, I remembered that I could meet her so I said to her, “Sorry I cannot meet today, I have something to do today.” But then she just got angry. I got nervous and changed my mind and decided to meet her.

When we met, she right away said, “ehmm I really need some money because I just dropped my wallet in the dustbin” Since I was in love with her, therefore, I said yeah. But I was kind of confused so I asked her “Are you just with me because I have money? She said “Of course not.

I changed the subject and “no-no sorry, I love therefore I will buy a handbag for you” She said, “Aww I love you too.” And she bought a bag and some clothes and we departed and came home. I decided that I would give her a bunch of flowers tomorrow. The next day, I decided to go to the woods to meet her and give her flowers because I knew that she was always walking in the woods.

I reached the woods and suddenly I saw her with another boy. I got numbed and my tears fell like little memories, those memories that would never go away. I loved her but she does not know the meaning of love and she after my money. She looked at me with a shocking expression. I threw the flowers and I left.

People should not fall in love too fast. And they should at least not get a boyfriend/girlfriend without knowing them enough. Trust Allah, he has a special partner for you, even before you were born.

Must read
