Mushaal blames India for Ashraf Sehrai’s death in jail

KashmirMushaal blames India for Ashraf Sehrai’s death in jail

By Hamid Khan Wazir

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik, held the fascist Indian government responsible for the sad demise of senior Hurriyat Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai.

In a video statement on Wednesday, the Chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organization said that Kashmiris have been deprived of a seasoned and brave Hurriyat leader who was among the most powerful voice of the Kashmiris freedom movement.

Mushaal Mullick said that Sehrai was in illegal detention for the last two years and due to ill-treatment by the occupied forces and the non-provision of much-needed medicines his health fast deteriorated.

Mushaal said that the demise of the Hurriyat leader is a great loss but she vowed that brave Kashmiri people will take the mission to its logical end.

Also Read: Pakistan concerned over death of Kashmiri leader Ashraf Sehrai in Indian custody

The Hurriyat leader said that Kashmiri people can be caged and tortured to death but cannot deter them from their just right to self-determination.

Mushaal alarmed that the life of Kashmiri prisoners is in danger as they were not only deprived of basic health facilities but were kept with Coronavirus patients.

The Chairperson said that the deadly virus is fast spreading its tentacles in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir as over 200,000 people contracted the virus but even no step being taken to handle the grave situation.

Mushaal Mullick lamented that the whole world is talking of Indian COVID-19 patients and providing all sorts of assistance but the Indian government is plainly spreading Coronavirus among Kashmiri leaders as a tool of deterrence but the international community observed criminal silence.

The Kashmir leader said that the gravity of the situation could be judged from the fact that over 50 people lost the battle to Coronavirus so far.

Mushaal said that there are no health facilities in IIOJK as only 250 ventilators are available in the valley, and they are being shifted to India.

Mushaal urged the world power and human rights organizations to wake up and look into the worst humanitarian crisis situation in the occupied valley.

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