Pakistan to host “World Environment Day” on June 5

Government of PakistanPakistan to host “World Environment Day” on June 5

HARIPUR, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Pakistan will host the “World Environment Day” on June 5, 2021 and showcase the steps it has taken to deal with the issue of Climate Change.

While attending a ceremony in connection with the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Program in Haripur on Thursday, the prime minister said that this is also a mark of recognition that Pakistan is amongst the few Countries which is taking serious measures to cope with the challenge of global warming.

Imran Khan said that Pakistan is unfortunately amongst the 10 Countries which are most vulnerable to Climate Change. He said that the melting of glaciers at a rapid pace poses a challenge to Pakistan.

The prime minister said that our efforts are directed towards providing a better and secure future to our coming generations.

The prime minister said that the government has embarked upon a series of projects including that of Ten Billion Tree Tsunami, national parks’ establishment and restoration of wetlands and wildlife to achieve that objective. He said that these projects will also provide job opportunities to the people and contribute to the promotion of tourism.

Imran Khan was confident that the very impact of Climate Change can be reversed provided there is a will.

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