Pakistan welcomes ongoing engagement between Afghan sides in Doha

Foreign OfficePakistan welcomes ongoing engagement between Afghan sides in Doha

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Pakistan has welcomed the ongoing engagement between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Doha.

In a statement on Monday, the Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri sadist that the joint statement issued at the conclusion of the two-day intra-afghan negotiations in Doha is a positive development.

The Spokesperson said that Pakistan believes that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and that a negotiated political settlement through Afghan-owned and Afghan-led process is the only way forward.

The Foreign Office Spokesperson said that Pakistan hopes that the Afghan sides would continue their engagement in the future in a meaningful manner. He said that this will help in the reduction of violence, weaken the hands of spoilers and pave the way for the establishment of lasting peace in Afghanistan.

In the joint statement issued on Sunday following two days of inconclusive talks in Doha, the delegations from the Afghan government and the Taliban said that they would meet again and plan to expedite peace negotiations.

“The two sides committed to continue negotiations at a high level until a settlement is reached,” the statement said.

“We will work to provide humanitarian assistance throughout Afghanistan,” it added.

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