Pakistan terms US’s 2021 Investment Climate Statements ‘incorrect and misleading’

Foreign OfficePakistan terms US’s 2021 Investment Climate Statements ‘incorrect and misleading’

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Pakistan has denied the report “2021 Investment Climate Statements: Pakistan” released by the US Department of State as ‘factually incorrect and misleading’.

Responding to media queries regarding the US State Department’s latest report “2021 Investment Climate Statements: Pakistan”, the Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said on Tuesday that we take strong exception to the gratuitous and unwarranted comments made in the report on Pakistan’s judicial system.

The Spokesperson said that the judiciary in Pakistan is independent and the Courts are functioning in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Country.

“The allegations to the contrary are firmly denied as factually incorrect and misleading,” he said.

Chaudhri said that as a vibrant democracy, the government of Pakistan firmly believes in the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the State.

Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said that there is no question of any coercion or pressure on Pakistan’s judiciary. He said that the baseless assertions made in the report are contradicted by innumerable decisions by Pakistani courts at all levels that meet the highest standards of judicial independence.

While the statement acknowledges the progress made and reforms undertaken by Pakistan in improving its business and investment climate, despite extremely difficult circumstances due to the Pandemic, it speculates on alleged shortcomings in Pakistan’s regulatory framework and bases its conclusions on unverifiable sources, Chaudhri said.

The Spokesperson said that mutually beneficial cooperation in the areas of economy, trade, and investment with the international community including the US is one of the key priorities of the government of Pakistan.

“We will continue to take steps to optimally realize Pakistan’s geo-economic potential,” he added.

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