National Security Advisors of Pakistan and the US discussed Afghan War situation

Government of PakistanNational Security Advisors of Pakistan and the US discussed Afghan War situation

Monitoring Desk: Pakistan’s National Security Advisor (NSA) Moeed Yusuf met US NSA Jake Sullivan to discuss the Afghan war situation.

According to NSA Moeed Yusuf, he had a positive follow-up meeting with US NSA Jake Sullivan today in Washington.

NSA Moeed maintained that they took stock of progress made since their Geneva meeting and discussed bilateral, regional, and global issues of mutual interest. Both agreed to sustain the momentum in Pak-US bilateral cooperation.


Meanwhile, US NSA Jake Sullivan stated that he met with Pakistan’s NSA to consult on regional connectivity and security, and other areas of mutual cooperation. He stated that both discussed the urgent need for a reduction in violence in Afghanistan and a negotiated political settlement to the conflict.


It may be mentioned that Pakistan’s NSA is in Washington with a high-powered delegation to discuss regional issues, particularly the ongoing Afghan War that is entering into a crucial phase and Pakistan has shown its concerns about the possibility of civil war in already war-beaten Afghanistan after the abrupt withdrawal of US-allied forces.

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