Pakistan facilitated Afghan peace process with utmost sincerity: Qureshi

Foreign OfficePakistan facilitated Afghan peace process with utmost sincerity: Qureshi

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that Pakistan facilitated the Afghan peace process with utmost sincerity.

While addressing a News Conference in Islamabad on Monday, the minister said that Pakistan is a facilitator and not the guarantor of peace in Afghanistan.

Qureshi reiterated that peace and stability in Afghanistan is a shared responsibility and urged the International Community and the regional Countries to play their due role, as Pakistan has, in this regard.

The foreign minister said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has always said that there is no military solution to the situation in Afghanistan. He said that a negotiated, inclusive and broad-based political settlement is the only way forward to establish peace in Afghanistan.

The minister said that it is the people of Afghanistan to decide their future as Pakistan has no favourites there.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi also said that Pakistan fully rejects the baseless accusations made by the Afghan Representative in UN Security Council. He urged the government of Afghanistan to refrain from blaming Pakistan for failures of others.

Qureshi said that he has invited the Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar to visit Islamabad to and discuss and resolve issues if any on the dialogue table.

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