Afghan government faced defeat at UNSC meeting, say Taliban

UncategorizedAfghan government faced defeat at UNSC meeting, say Taliban

Monitoring Desk: Taliban’s English language mouthpiece Voice of Jihad has released an official response of Taliban over Friday’s United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting, calling it a success that member states understood President Ghani has lost the war.

A detailed press statement is as follow:

The United Nations Security Council held a meeting about the situation in Afghanistan last Friday. Ever since the Islamic Emirate began making advances across the country and took control of large regions with public support and defection by opposition fighters, the Kabul administration and a number of its foreign backers launched a campaign to corrupt international perception about the Islamic Emirate and create obstacles for it.

After repeated failures on various levels domestically, their last bastion of hope remained the Security Council. Perhaps they thought that the Security Council would announce a decision according to their desire without taking into account the ongoing Afghan situation and the major public support for the Islamic Emirate.

The situation has currently evolved and the Islamic Emirate is recognized internationally as the true representative force of the Afghan people. Moreover, the Islamic Emirate over the course of the past few years showcased to the world and regional countries their commitment to living peacefully with others all the while considering positive global relations a key principle and not seeking to interfere in the internal affairs of any other country. This policy has altered the behavior and policy of many countries that previously viewed the Islamic Emirate from a negative partisan light.

A sign of this international trust and political recognition gained by the Islamic Emirate is the latest meeting of the UNSC and it not taking a decisive stance against the Islamic Emirate which the Kabul administration had earnestly hoped for.

The representatives of the Kabul administration presented the UNSC with piles of fake information, examples ranging from bogus claims of casualties to millions of people in recent fighting, to foreign networks allying with Taliban posing a threat to the region and the wider world. The head of the Kabul administration human right commission also hurled a host of spurious allegations against the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.

In response, most representatives of member states of the UNSC emphasized on the peace process, and without given much through to the propaganda of the Kabul administration or adopting harsh language against any party to the conflict, based most of their remarks on realities. This meeting by the UNSC which the Kabul administration had attached much hope on crushed their dreams of attaining malicious objectives and did not give them the result they had hoped for.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan urges all countries and organizations including the United Nations to consistently base their stance regarding Afghanistan on realities. Instead of bringing your role under question by taking sides, it is better to take into consideration the interests of the Afghan people and the wider peace-seeking world in order to fulfill your responsibility in a proper manner.

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