Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day: We need to make all-out efforts to fulfill unfinished dreams of Quaid: Mushaal

KashmirPakistan’s 75th Independence Day: We need to make all-out efforts to fulfill...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik, said that we need to make a pledge that all-out efforts would be made to accomplish the unfinished dreams of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

In her message on Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day, the Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization thanked the Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for giving the most precious as well as a priceless gift in the shape of Pakistan.

Mushaal said that Pakistan has become 74 years old and also prayed that the Country stands tall with its identity and respect all over the world.

On this day, I would like to quote Quaid e Azam that Think 100 times before you make a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man, Mushaal added.

“We need to make a pledge to turn all unfulfilled dreams of Quaid pertaining to Pakistan a reality. Let all learn to sacrifice and be unified regardless of caste, colour and creed or religion, and let’s become a voice for all the voiceless especially for the minorities, chairperson added.

Mushaal Mullick vowed to support the oppressed on this day as this was the spirit of Quaid and his Pakistan movement. Through which, we all got an identity.

The Kashmiri leader also said that how can we forget the oppressed people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir who are facing the worst form of atrocities and terrorism.

Mushaal went on to say that genocide and ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris are being committed in the occupied valley.

Let’s become their voice and also pray that one day their sacrifices will bear fruits and they will also take breathe as free citizens.

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