Mushaal demands release of Yasin Malik to look after ailing mother

KashmirMushaal demands release of Yasin Malik to look after ailing mother

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, has demanded that the Indian government should immediately release Yasin Malik from Tihar Jail whose mother is battling for life in a hospital.

In a statement on Friday, Mushaal, who is the wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the mother and sister of Yasin Malik contracted Coronavirus and both are hospitalized in critical condition.

Therefore, she demanded that the Indian government should immediately issue Yasin Malik’s release order from Tihar Jail on humanitarian grounds so as he could look after his critically ill mother and sister.

Mushaal Mullick said that Yasin Malik’s mother’s health is fast deteriorating with each passing day due to her long separation from her son, as the brutal occupation authorities have not allowed her only son to be with her for over two years.

The Hurriyat leader appealed that everyone should pray for her ailing mother-in-law and sister-in-law Abida Baji.

Mushaal lamented that her husband is also facing serious health issues and the fascist Indian government did not provide him much-needed medicines.

Mushaal further said that the occupation authorities used all brutal means and inhuman acts to silence his voice; however, they miserably failed in their nefarious designs despite exhausting all options.

The Kashmiri leader went on to say that Yasin Malik is the torch-bearer of Kashmiri’s right to self-determination and he would take his life mission to logical ends come what may.

The Chairperson said that the Indian forces unleashed waves of oppression and barbarism on the unarmed Kashmir people but the world powers are looking at the brutalities and atrocities just like silent spectators.

Similarly, she expressed her heartfelt condolence over the sad demise of the mother of Kashmiri leader Raja Merajuddin who died in Srinagar. She demanded that Raja Merajuddin Kalwal, who has been lodged in Tihar Jail for the last four years, should be released immediately so as he could perform the last rites.

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