EU Parliament Annual Meeting to discuss military independence from the US

EuropeEU Parliament Annual Meeting to discuss military independence from the US

Monitoring Desk: The President of the 27-nation bloc of Europe popularly known by the European Union Ursula von der Leyen has expressed the resolve to boost humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. EU Parliament will discuss the Afghanistan issue today September 16, 2021.

She emphasized that the European Union should build its own military after the Fall of Kabul. She was of the view that the EU Defence plan must the top priority of the discussion.

She stated that the EU had been relying on the US military for protection but a hasty US pull-out from Afghanistan was a point to ponder. She proposed a waiver on VAT for defence equipment developed and produced in Europe to help the EU gain military independence from the US. France will host an EU defence summit next year to solidify the plans

President von der Leyen said that the failure of the government and security forces to repel Taliban insurgents raises troubling questions for the 27-nation bloc, but also for NATO.

The President of the 27-nation bloc of Europe popularly known by European Union Ursula von der Leyen has expressed the resolve to boost humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.
The President of the 27-nation bloc of Europe popularly known by European Union Ursula von der Leyen has expressed the resolve to boost humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

The President unveiled new plans for the EU to develop its own defence capacities to ensure that it has more freedom to act in future crises, after Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw American troops by August 31 forced the hands of EU countries incapable of facing the Taliban alone.


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