PM Imran Khan along with COAS visits Noushki, briefed on security situation

Government of PakistanPM Imran Khan along with COAS visits Noushki, briefed on security situation

NOUSHKI, Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Balochistan’s Noushki area on Tuesday.

The Balochistan Governor Syed Zahoor Ahmad Agha, the Chief Minister Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, and federal as well as provincial ministers accompanied the prime minister.

A detailed briefing was given to the prime minister on the security situation in the area.

In his interaction with troops, the prime minister paid rich tribute to the martyrs and their families for their ultimate sacrifices for Pakistan.

The prime minister lauded the professionalism exhibited by the troops and appreciated the operational preparedness and bravery with which terrorists’ attacks were repulsed.

The prime minister reiterated national resolve to support the armed forces in eliminating the remnants of terrorists trying to sabotage the development of Balochistan.

“Through a comprehensive national effort, cooperation between federal and provincial governments and assistance of armed forces, we shall realise true potential of Balochistan,” he said.

Later, the prime minister interacted with tribal elders of the area and acknowledged their unwavering support in fight against terrorism and facilitating government initiatives being taken to bring prosperity and development to Balochistan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan assured Jirga members of continued sincere support for timely completion of development projects in Balochistan.

Imran Khan stressed that development of Balochistan is priority and critical for future of Pakistan.

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