Shibli Faraz inaugurate Integrated Physical Oceanographic Laboratory at NIO

Government of PakistanShibli Faraz inaugurate Integrated Physical Oceanographic Laboratory at NIO

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Federal Minister for Science & Technology Senator Syed Shibli Faraz visited the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) in Karachi on Friday and inaugurated the Integrated Physical Oceanographic Laboratory (IPOL).

The Director General NIO Dr. Samina Kidwai briefed the minister about the PSDP project under the Prime Minister’s Performance Agreement “Monitoring the Sea Water Intrusion, Sea Level Rise, Coastal Erosion& Land Subsidence Along Sindh and Baluchistan.

The Integrated Physical Oceanography Lab at NIO Physical oceanography section will act as a nucleus where all physical parameters and associated data will be received and analyzed with the help of the latest technology.

The efforts made by the scientists of the National Institute of Oceanography and project team in the field of Ocean Science were appreciated by the federal minister with the hope that the institute will continue to flourish and expand its research activities.

The federal minister and the federal secretary for science and technology also visited various laboratories of the Institute and briefly met with the scientists and discussed the research being carried out by them.

Senator Shibli Faraz emphasized that the NIO’s project findings will provide baseline data which ultimately help assess damages, and provide the basis for suggesting and formulating policies for mitigating the sea water intrusion, sea level rise and mapping of land subsiding zone along the Pakistan Coast.

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