US and UK Congratulate Shahbaz Sharif

Government of PakistanUS and UK Congratulate Shahbaz Sharif

The United States has congratulated Shahbaz Sharif on becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan, saying that it looks forward to continuing the long-standing cooperation with Pakistan’s government.

In a statement released by the US State Department, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that we value our relationship with Pakistan which has been an important partner on wide-ranging mutual interests for nearly 75 years.

Antony Blinken said that the United States views a strong, prosperous, and democratic Pakistan as essential for the interests of both of our countries.

Meanwhile in a Twitter message, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also congratulated Shahbaz Sharif on his election as the Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson said that the United Kingdom and Pakistan have a longstanding relationship and our people share deep ties. He expressed hope for working together on areas of shared interest.

In his response, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif thanked the United Kingdom Premier for his message of felicitation.

Shahbaz Sharif said that Pakistan and UK share deep-rooted and broad-based ties.

The prime minister resolved to working closely with the UK government to further expand longstanding friendship and take multifaceted relationship to the next level.

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