Karachi Urban Flooding: All maps of encroachments on nullahs

DND Thought CenterKarachi Urban Flooding: All maps of encroachments on nullahs

KARACHI, Pakistan: Endorsements and unnatural remolding of water channels, construction over nullah basins, and blocking of natural drainage systems are causing havoc in Karachi today. There is no option left now and thousands of residential units can not be dismantled. The only option is to live with whatever we badly planned for the last 40 years.

Karachi is inundated— Posh areas are the main hit— Detail maps of how Karachi was ruined by the powerful Real Estate Mafia under the patronage of the State. A detailed report with maps and capacity of nullahs and type of encroachment on them today. The majority of urban land is not under the control of Karachi civic authorities and there is no writ of civil authorities in such areas.

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