Azerbaijani journalist Anastasia Lavrina expresses solidarity with Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir

MediaAzerbaijani journalist Anastasia Lavrina expresses solidarity with Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir

Monitoring Desk: The renowned Azerbaijani journalist and anchorperson Anastasia Lavrina has expressed solidarity with Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir and asked the world to look at the subjugation and brutality of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Famous journalist Anastasia Lavrina is a board member of “YAP Youth Association”, Vice-Chairman, Russian Community; Presenter, and Commentator who appears on CBC TV; and also hosts events of ADA MAJLIS in her Twitter message stated that Azerbaijan supports Pakistan’s fair position on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and stands in solidarity with Pakistan on this issue. Only those countries that are accustomed to turning a blind eye to justice can be against humanity.

In response the Embassy of Pakistan in Azerbaijan while thanking her support for the Kashmir cause stated:

“Thank you dear friend. We deeply value Azerbaijan’s support to the cause of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute which is in line with multiple UN Security Council Resolutions and international law”.


The Dispatch News Desk (DND) News Agency of Pakistan highly appreciates the position Anastasia Lavrina has taken on the Kashmir situation. Her comments testify that Pakistan and Azerbaijan always stand together.

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