PM Shahbaz urges nation to make pledge to achieve Iqbal’s Pakistan

Government of PakistanPM Shahbaz urges nation to make pledge to achieve Iqbal's Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has urged the nation to make a pledge to achieve a Pakistan as dreamed by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal which should feature peace, political forbearance and brotherhood.

In his message on the birth anniversary of Allama Iqbal annually observed on November 9, the prime minister said the great poet had a vision for Pakistan where the youth should have the thinking capability for taking the Country to unprecedented heights.

The prime minister said the characteristics of Iqbal’s Pakistan should also include respect for elders and a mature debate on ideological differences without losing sobriety.

It should also mark the strong institutions, pragmatic people, and a stable national economy free from the debt burden, he said.

The premier said the whole nation was observing Allama Iqbal’s birth anniversary with great fervor as the great poet had acquainted the Muslim youth with the sacrifices of their sages and their lost grandeur.

The prime minister said Iqbal had likened the Muslim youth with Shaheen which was unique among the birds for its courage, self-confidence, and humility. Iqbal also urged the youth to learn from the glorious past of the Muslims to explore new avenues in research and education.

Shahbaz Sharif said Iqbal’s philosophy of self-esteem had provided such a recipe for success in the world as well as the life hereafter which still had its impact not only in the subcontinent but also across the world.

The prime minister said the research was being carried out on Iqbal’s teaching not only in this region but also at modern universities throughout the world.

Highlighting his services to the religion, the prime minister said Allama Iqbal had introduced modernity to the Muslim world and always encouraged research. Besides, he had an unprecedented love for Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and devotion for Quranic teachings.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said Iqbal had united the Muslims of the subcontinent by awaking them to their fundamental right to freedom. He said Iqbal had dreamed a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent which was realized by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other Muslim League leaders through their untiring struggle.

However, unfortunately, the great poet died before the accomplishment of his dream.

The premier urged the nation to carry out self-accountability whether they succeeded to safeguard Iqbal’s Pakistan which came into being consequent to the remarkable struggle and sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of people.

Shahbaz Sharif urged the nation to make a pledge to achieve Iqbal’s Pakistan and expressed the confidence that they could make it once resolved.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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