83 percent Russians approve Putin’s leadership, says Gallup report

Headlines83 percent Russians approve Putin's leadership, says Gallup report

83 percent Russians approve Putin’s leadership, says Gallup report

Monitoring Desk:  As many as 83 percent of Russians approve of Putin’s leadership so he is enjoying “Highest Level of job approval”

83 percent Russians approve Putin's leadership, says Gallup report

According to a Gallup International report released on Friday and written by Julie Ray and Neli Esipova, popularity of Russian President Vladimir Putin among his nation is now at its highest level in years. The 83% of Russians saying they approve of Putin’s leadership in late April/early June ties his previous high rating in 2008 when he left office the first time.

Handling Ukraine crises has given a boost to Putin and his team and public confidence over their government and various national institutions has increased, the reported said.

“Even with increasing diplomatic isolation and a possible weakening economy with tougher sanctions, the vast majority of Russians will likely give their government full support in whatever course of action it chooses.”, indicated in report.

Rising approval of Russians for their own leadership (Putin) and China indicates Russians accept and approve massive divide that exists between Russia and the West.

“The 29-percentage-point increase in Putin’s job approval between 2013 and 2014 suggests he has solidified his previously shaky support base. For the first time since 2008, a majority of Russians (73%) believe their country’s leadership is leading them in the right direction. This renewed faith is apparent in their record-level confidence in the country’s military (78%), their national government (64%), and honesty of elections (39%). The single-digit approval of the leadership of the U.S. and EU at least partly reflects Russians’ displeasure with the position each has taken on their country’s ongoing involvement in Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea”, report concluded.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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