Dr Qadri claims Mian Nawaz Sharif called him Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam

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Dr Qadri claims Mian Nawaz Sharif called him Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam


Islamabad: Dr Qadri claims Mian Nawaz Sharif called him Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam. According to Dr. Tahirul Qadri in a television show said:

Mian Nawaz one day asked him that he (Mian Nawaz Sharif) think he (Dr Qadri) is Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam but he (Dr. Qadri) said to Mian Nawaz Sharif that he is not and he should calls forgiveness from Allah fort thinking such stupid think about him (Dr. Qadri).

In an interview Dr. Allama Tahirul Qadri claimed that:

One day Mian Nawaz Sharif (Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif) took me into a separate room and bolted the door of the room and said

“Allama Sahib I have seen your personality and your conduct and your selfless personality. Sometimes I (Mian Nawaz Sharif) feel that you are Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam. Please confirm am I (Mian Nawaz Sharif) wrong or right.

Qadri said

I (Dr. Qadri) told oh My God ask God for your forgiveness and recite Qalma Taiba because I am not Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam. I am a simple man and explained that Hazrat Imam Mehdi Alaihis Salam will be born in Saudi Arabia, he will be from the house of Muhammad (PBUH) while I (Qadri) was born in Jhang and I am from Sial family. Qadri was revealing more information about his and Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif relations but second part of the interview was not broadcast after the show went for commercial break.


nawaz sharif called tahirul qadri hazrat imam mehdi

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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