An open letter of a young Pakistani working lady in UAE to the politicians of Pakistan: Who is supposed to be questioned?

PoliticsAn open letter of a young Pakistani working lady in UAE to...

An open letter of a young Pakistani working lady in UAE to the politicians of Pakistan: Who is supposed to be questioned?

By Ammara Shahiryar

ammaraI am a single working lady currently residing in the most dynamic state of the world, Dubai. More importantly, I feel proud of being a Pakistani, coming from the land of pure, having a lot of potential, and talented youth and individuals that have the ability to lead their country in every field. As I celebrated Independence Day away from my homeland, praying and thinking about the future of my beloved country, I was deeply saddened as what our political leaders and news channels depicted to the rest of the world. The political jokers continued to fill air times with their non-sense speeches. While our politicians entertained my fellow colleagues from the neighboring country, I sat there wondering this is not what Pakistan is all about.

The politics in Pakistan is so messed up…politicians so vision less and majority of us have a very short memory! We keep on re-electing same bullshit people over and over again. They keep chanting, looting and after their term ends, another thief comes and the cycle continues. So basically 67 years and we are still not able to tackle basic issues of education, healthcare, creation of jobs, and what not! We are immune to what corruption our leaders do andneglect those and still vote and support them because we ourselves have no morals left, and totally neglect their wrong doing. Yes, democracy should prevail but I wonder if these rulers actually have a vision! We let N.S, Zardari, and faggots like Altaf Hussain and TUQ dictate us. How can one tolerate their speeches? What has Altaf Hussain to do sitting in a foreign land, dictating nothing but fitna. What right does TUQ has to rule the nation? Being a religious scholar (I doubt if he is one), his sole responsibility is to preach religion and spirituality and not to get into politics.

Coming towards the elected government, we have forgotten that these people never did “Good” to our country in the past. We are deprived of jobs, electricity and basic health care facilities because their inability to start any fruitful development project during their previous political tenures. Their ill doings are forgotten, hence we are a dead nation, and immune to all sort of theft! And this reminds me of the following verse I read somewhere, “Just as you are, so too will rulers be appointed over you!”

As a Pakistani working in Dubai, I really feel the ache when Pakistanis are laughed upon. The rest of the world only knows that we have some jokers ruling over us from London, or someone high jacking an Emirates plane, creating international headlines or the President spending his Eid away from Pakistan while the IDPs in his own country, suffered inside infected tents. Who is supposed to be questioned?!!

I believe that we have great talent and are far more intelligent and hardworking than any other nation in the world. However, unfortunately, we underestimate our strength. We are scattered, and not united ourselves. I believe that majority of our educated lot can easily tackle a few uneducated, unethical parasites who continue to build empires abroad while people starve in their own country. We need to analyze the situation carefully. No single man can come for our rescue. We have to get up and make things right for us. I hereby, do not support any political leader or party, but if a visionary man like Imran Khan can give us a cancer hospital, there must be many out there who will be willing to work for betterment of the nation in terms of education and health care. Let us make use of the resources and do something for the betterment on our own and stop relying on these old schools of thoughts. Each individual can contribute his/her own part and make our country one proud place to live in.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
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