Cameron to propose reforms in education system and procedural changes in working of NGOs

NewsCameron to propose reforms in education system and procedural changes in working...

Cameron to propose reforms in education system and procedural changes in working of NGOs

Cameron to propose reforms in education system and procedural changes in working of NGOs

Monitoring Desk: The British Prime Minister David Cameron is likely to propose reforms in education system and stern changes in rules and procedures for establishing Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and their funding.

British Prime Minister David Cameron will address House of Common on Monday and political observers believe Cameron will announce some strict administrative measure against ever increasing radicalization of British society that is apparently under the grip of radical Islam, spreading hate and extremism.


Thousands of young boys from UK are becoming brats and joining jihad in Middle Eastern countries particularly Syria and Iraq. The support of United Kingdom to destabilize Syrian government encourages such young British Muslims who have honour to serve in Jihad that is supported by their government.

There are two important reports recently came on surface in United Kingdom that indicate radicalization of British society is underway for the last 25 years (Operation Trojan Horse)  and British administration kept close its eyes over spreading of  extremism and purist Islam in society. Another report (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 – 2013 written by Alexis Jay OBE ) that came on surface this week indicates that Pakistani origin Muslims had allegedly been raping white British children during the last 14 years but British legal system and administration kept quite over this situation to avoid tension between ethnic groups.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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