Tokyo Game Show 2014 Highlights – Games which Excited Us

TechnologyTokyo Game Show 2014 Highlights - Games which Excited Us

Japan is somewhat famous for producing some of the most successful titles in the gaming industry. That’s one of the reasons why, we the nerds, treat the right to witness the beauty of the Tokyo Game Show and all its glorious announcements as some sort of a pilgrimage. Of course, we do understand that not everyone can spare the time of day to keep up with everything that this glorious event dishes out that’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best games that were announced.

Up first were the massively popular announcements for Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Both of these games were demoed at the event and quite frankly manage to hit you right in the sweet spot that will make you empty your wallets on their release. Both of these games are said to expand on the best features of their predecessors as well as to introduce some new features as well. While the MGS V will go for a female support to help Snake out on his missions, the RE Revelations 2 is going to opt for a dual female protagonist, stuck on an island prison filled with zombies.

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These weren’t the only games that made quite a splash on the TGS 2014 stage, as Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Heart R also managed to woo quite a few RPG gamers off of their feet. However, all of these games were somewhat overshadowed, at least in our opinion, by the surprised appearance of a short gameplay footage for the Final Fantasy XV. Not only did the new game look fantastic but it also managed to finally put a stop to all the rumors which predicted that the game would be somewhat of a disappointment in terms of its graphics.

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Now, we do know that there were a lot more games that should have made our list from the event but to be honest these were the only ones that excited us thanks to a certain amount of nostalgic memories attached to their predecessors. That being said, some other games which could potentially make a splash on the gaming scene include Bravely Second (RPG), Zodiac(RPG) and Dragon Ball Xenoverse (Arcade Fighting).

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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