Pak-India foreign secretary level talks to cover all issues: FO

Recent PostPak-India foreign secretary level talks to cover all issues: FO

Pak-India foreign secretary level talks to cover all issues: FO

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The Foreign Office said on Thursday that all outstanding disputes including Jammu and Kashmir, Sir Creek and Siachen will be discussed during the foreign secretary level talks with India.

In her weekly news briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, the Foreign Office Spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said that the Indian foreign secretary S. Jaishankar will arrive in Islamabad on March 3 and hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry.

The spokesperson said that agenda of the talks is being finalized and is expected to also include strategic stability, people to people contacts and trade matters.

The FO spokesperson said that the visit is taking place in pursuant to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s telephonic call to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in which he expressed his intention to send the foreign secretary to Pakistan.

“We had welcomed this initiative of the Indian prime minister,” Aslam said.

Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism recognized by int’l community

The spokesperson said that Pakistan has been playing a key role in efforts against terrorism which have also been recognized by the international community.

“We believe that our friends including the United States will provide necessary support to Pakistan to continue the anti-terror effort in an effective manner,” she said.

Tasnim Aslam said that the Obama administration in its budgetary proposals for next fiscal year has proposed to give $804 million assistance to Pakistan.

Pakistan not to allow ISIS to establish footholds in its territory

About reports of presence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Pakistan, the spokesperson said that Pakistan will not allow the outfit to establish footholds in the country.

“In this regard, we will and are taking appropriate measures,” the spokesperson said.

Aslam said that Pakistan is against all forms and manifestations of terrorism and has launched an across the board operation against all the terrorists.

Pakistan welcomes peace talks between Afghan Taliban, govt

When asked to comment on initial contacts between the Afghan Taliban and the Afghan government, Tasnim Aslam said that a negotiated and political reconciliation is the only way forward.

“Pakistan welcomes the peace talks between the Afghan Taliban and government,” she said.

The foreign office spokesperson said that Pakistan has and will continue to support an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process in every possible manner.

Peace integral part of Pakistan’s foreign policy

On Pakistan’s contributions to the United Nations peace keeping operations, the spokesperson said that our role in peace keeping missions is underpinned by the national consensus and is integral part of our foreign policy.

The spokesperson said that Pakistan has been contributing to the UN peace keeping mission for over five decades. She said that since 1960, about 155,000 peace keepers have made important contributions towards peace and security in 42 UN peace keeping missions.

Tasnim Aslam said that over 140 Pakistani peace keepers have laid down their lives in advancing the cause of global peace and security.

Asad Haroon
Asad Haroon
All the information published under this Author is via Web desk/Team/Contributors. Opinons and views of the Organization may differ from the views represented here

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