AED to USD Rate Today

BusinessAED to USD Rate Today

The United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) was equal to 0.27229 US Dollar (USD) on May 02, 2023 (Tuesday).AED to USD Rate Today

The UAE dirham is abbreviated as “AED” and is the Official Currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with the symbol “Dh”.

It’s worth noting that in every Country, exchange rates are not fixed and they can fluctuate everyday due to a variety of factors including market forces, interest rates, inflation, political & economic stability, and speculation.

If your are looking for the exchange of UAE dirham against the US dollar in the last 10 days, the following are mentioned accordantly;

AED to USD UAE Dirham Rate to USD Dollar in last 10 days

  • On May 01    – US$ 0.27249
  • On April 30    – US$ 0.27248
  • On April 29    – US$ 0.27233
  • On April 28    – US$ 0.27232
  • On April 27    – US$ 0.27248
  • On April 26    – US$ 0.27249
  • On April 25    – US$ 0.27248
  • On April 24    – US$ 0.27247
  • On April 23    – US$ 0.27248
  • On April 22    – US$ 0.27232

In the below part, the UAE dirham rate to Pakistani Rupee, Euro, Japanese Yen, and British Pound Sterling has been mentioned as of May 02, 2023.

UAE Dirham to other Currencies as of May 02, 2023

Pakistani RupeePKRRs 77.31
Japanese YenJPY¥37.44
British Pound SterlingGBP£0.22
Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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